XYZ Game Labs @ Midwinter Gaming Convention

Hey there!

If any of you wonderful people happen to be at the Midwinter Gaming Convention this weekend we’ve got some great news. 1) If you want to be one of the first to get your copy of Inoka: we can help with that! We’ll be offering in-person pickup of your pledge at this convention. Just be sure to either email to let us know or come prepared with your backer number and backer information.

NOTE: The Inoka Kickstarter Edition WILL NOT be for sale at this convention. It’s only available to pick up if you are ALREADY a backer. If you’re a backer and want to purchase additional copies when you pick up your pledge that MAY be possible depending on how many we have left – just ask. 

2) We’re running two Super Secret Playtests in the Empire Ballroom. For those who aren’t familiar; Super Secret Playtest is an event we run from time to time where people get a chance to see the games that we currently have in our publishing pipeline.

You can find us on Friday @ 3-5 pm Table 10 and on Saturday @ 1-3 pm Table 2. We hope to see you there and show you all what we have in store next!

3) If you want to just stop by and say “hi!”, we’d love to meet you! We’ll be at Tables 27 & 28 in the Exhibit Hall. You shouldn’t be able to miss us!