March 2022 Update – New Games from XYZ Game Labs

March 2022 Update – New Games from XYZ Game Labs

ArchRavels: Magic Socks To all of our ArchRavels fans we’ve got some exciting news to share with you. We’re working on an expansion of our fiber arts board game, ArchRavels: Magic Socks.  The expansion will Increase the player count to (6) six players Add (2) two new player types Add (4) four new characters to choose from Increase player abilities…

Titania Ascending Update & Neoprene Mat

Titania Ascending Update & Neoprene Mat

Thank you for being patient with us! We’re still working on finalizing art which we’re excited to share some teasers with you all.  Secondly, we received a sample neoprene mat from the manufacturer that we’re stoked to share with you as well. 1. New Fate Card Artwork Our artist Marty McGowan has done a stellar job and we’re excited to…

Happy Gen Con Eve!

Happy Gen Con Eve!

Yes, it really feels like the holidays! We’re so excited for the return of Gen Con. In preparation of Gen Con set up day was big! However, this was not some ordinary set up simply because We might have yarn bombed Gen Con! Once we designed ArchRavels we had a dream that “one day, we’re going to bring yarn bomb art…

ArchRavels Blank Proof Photos & Yarn Bowl Experiment!

ArchRavels Blank Proof Photos & Yarn Bowl Experiment!

Hi Crafters! We have a few exciting sneak peeks to share with you as a big thanks for supporting ArchRavels! Blank Proofs Here’s a photo of the blank proofs we received from the manufacturer. Because these are blanks there are no colors. Also please keep in mind that the lighting may vary depending on the photo. Since you all may…

Yarn Bowl Results, Rulebook Preview, & BLM

Yarn Bowl Results, Rulebook Preview, & BLM

Yarn Bowl Swirl Results The voting had us on pins and needles. We’re so glad you actually blanketed us with votes. As it turns out the LARGE SWIRL CUTOUT won by a thread 87-83! Thank you all for participating! We tested the large cutout with the chits. Our lab results determined that unless you are literally playing ArchRavels during an earthquake…

Wooden Yarn Bowl Samples!

Wooden Yarn Bowl Samples!

Hi Crafters! As promised, we have beautiful photos of the deluxe, wooden yarn bowl samples. The bowls are made out of acacia wood with medium-dark wood stain. They hold about a quarter cup of yarn chits. So why are we showing two? We need your help! The yarn bowls have two different types of swirls to feed the yarn through.…

ArchRavels Quarantine Update!

ArchRavels Quarantine Update!

Hello, Crafters! Are you okay? Hang in there. We’re in strange times and XYZ Game Labs is very sorry for being silent for so long. We wanted to take some time as a company and as human beings to make sense of the world and the people around us as we grapple with the Coronavirus crisis. To put in perspective,…

GameTrayz Sneak Peeks, Awards, and Events!

GameTrayz Sneak Peeks, Awards, and Events!

First and most importantly, thank you for supporting us! We’re working tirelessly to hit our deadlines and your kind comments and shares have pushed us through this production progress. Timeline Progress As of now, we’re very lucky and we do not have any delays in production due to Corona Virus. We will keep you all posted if that status changes. We’re still…

ArchRavels Late Pledge Extension & Big Update

ArchRavels Late Pledge Extension & Big Update

Belated gift to welcome the new year! We hope everyone had a lovely holidays and a happy new year! Due to the end of year activities, we’ve been a bit preoccupied with family and friends. We are now fully rested, recharged, and ready to take on the new year! As a belated gift for you we’ve decided to extend our…

BackerKit & Late Pledges are now live!

BackerKit & Late Pledges are now live!

Hello Crafters! It’s been a few weeks since the campaign ended.  We know you’ve been waiting for this update so alas we’re excited to announce that:  Pledge Manager (BackerKit) is open now! Within the next day or so you’ll get an email from BackerKit. You’ll be able to update your pledges, provide shipping info, or add any other stuff you may…