Inoka Worldwide! (And fulfillment update)

Inoka’s Global Conquest!

We’ve been getting some questions about our International orders. Good news! Our global fulfillment partner has begun shipping International orders.

To put in perspective just how far we’re shipping, we’ll be in every single time zone!

Where’s my Book?

Short version: It’s delayed because we had to switch vendors.

Long Version: We’re working with a new vendor for the Art & Lore book. Due to the delay, we’ve decided to ship out all rewards besides the books now (as mentioned in a previous update). We’ll be shipping out the books separately next month, but at least you can enjoy the games in the meantime. By the looks of the clashers tagging @xyzgamelabs on social media, there have been plenty of people already playing Inoka!

Be sure to follow and tag us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter. We’re pretty easy to find. (search for @xyzgamelabs and you’ll find us.)


One More Thing…

Do you use BoardGameGeek?

Yes: Be awesome and rate Inoka. Please? It’s super easy:

No: We humbly suggest you check it out. There’s no better resource for all things boardgames.


– XYZ Game Labs