ArchRavels – Thank you!

You did it, Crafters!

26 days later, sweater in hand, fuzzy hat on head, curious fluffy cat in pursuit, WE DID IT! With your kindness and support, we blew past ALL our goals and achieved some really fantastic things. We went so far past our goal that now we’re able to bring you the biggest baddest version of ArchRavels we can make, and it’s awesome!

Expectations for Post Campaign

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Kickstarter, the fun doesn’t just stop when the campaign is over. We’re just getting started! We take all of you rad crafting backers on the full journey of making a tabletop game. We’ll keep you up to date on all of our production progress, product samples, event attendance, and eventually shipping progress to get you the game!

The first step is pledge management. In 2 to 4 weeks, you’ll receive an email from our pledge manager service, BackerKit. In BackerKit, you’ll be able to confirm your order, update your mailing address, or even put some of those add-ons we mentioned into your checkout cart. Keep on the lookout for that email, but we will also post an update here to let you know that those surveys have gone out.

Here’s to you.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to everyone who gave their time, energy, and hard earned money to support our little crafting game. We can’t wait to meticulously and lovingly produce ArchRavels for you.

We’re anxiously awaiting the day these boxes make their way to your table, so you can show someone new the joy of tabletop gaming.

Thank You

– Team XYZ Game Labs

Adam, Noah, Jordan, Lauren, Mike, Chris, Maya, & Rochelle