ArchRavels: Magic Socks
To all of our ArchRavels fans we’ve got some exciting news to share with you. We’re working on an expansion of our fiber arts board game, ArchRavels: Magic Socks.

The expansion will
- Increase the player count to (6) six players
- Add (2) two new player types
- Add (4) four new characters to choose from
- Increase player abilities with a magic sock bag pull.
- Players who create a pair of magic socks earn extra yarn to celebrate that they’ve found its sock friend.
BIGFOOT®: Roll & Smash
Coming soon from XYZ Game Labs, it’s …. BIGFOOT: Roll & Smash.
BIGFOOT: Roll & Smash is a licensed, monster truck, programming game where players get behind the wheel of one of the iconic trucks in the BIGFOOT family and show your stuff. The Original Monster Truck – BIGFOOT #1 smashes through cars and trucks, BIGFOOT Racer soars effortlessly over obstacles, Fastrax tears through mud, and the sinister Snake Bite destroys everything it its path. Watch out for hazards and do a donut or five.
Roll Giant Tire Dice, Plan your run, & Smash in the mud arena as the crowd goes wild! Get notified when we launch our pre-order store.
BIGFOOT®: Roll & Smash will not be going on kickstarter but instead we’ll be taking pre-orders through our online store. That store will be going live soon but you can sign up now so that you don’t miss a beat or any BIGFOOT: Roll & Smash related news!