ArchRavels is FUNDED!

Hey Crafters!

Get out your needles and your cutest patterns. With your immense support and a whole lot of yarn detangling, we’ve gotten funded in under 2 Days!

We couldn’t have done it without your passion and enthusiasm, and we’re very excited to continue on our journey to bring to life your favorite new fiber arts game, ArchRavels. We’ve got a lot of great stuff to share with you, so be sure to stick around and get involved. Next up, we’ll kick it into gear with the Stretch Goals!

What are stretch goals?

For all you new backers but long time crafters out there, Stretch Goals are an integral part of the Kickstarter experience. Rather than just buying a game in the store, Kickstarter allows you to travel along with the developers on their adventure in game making.

The main goal of a Kickstarter is to reach the desired funding amount. This is the amount that we need to make the game. If that goal is reach, you get the board game you supported. Now, that’s a great thing to achieve but, stretch goals can expand or improve the game beyond its current version. They could be things like: new game components, new characters, new cards or even cat meeples! Everyone who pledges for the ArchRavels or ArchRavels: Deluxe Edition will get those sweet upgrades…

Stretch goals coming soon!

We’ve got a lot of fun Stretch goals planned for y’all! We’ll be revealing them in groups. Check the updates for details. In the meantime, spread the word far and wide that ArchRavels is now funded!

Keep on crafting and we’ll keep you posted!

-Team XYZ Game Labs