Inoka: Chapter 4

Haven’t Read chapter 3? you can find it here


By Jordan Miller

Ino approached the doorway of the hut and paused as she reached for the curtain. Suddenly she felt worried, knowing what she had to do and the responsibility resting on her shoulders. She could hear the crowd gathered outside. The drums played a steady thump-thump of anticipation. She could feel the excitement and suspense building outside.

“Don’t be afraid,” said the shaman, sensing Ino’s hesitation. “There is a difference between traveling by yourself and traveling alone. The spirit of your village and the pride of our nation travels with you”. Ino felt reassured. The shaman approached and placed her hand on Ino’s shoulder. “Your family is out there, ready to greet you.  Your whole nation supports you.” Ino could feel the shaman’s hand squeeze slightly in a gesture of comfort. The shaman leaned forward and said quietly, “Go on child, I think the drummers’ arms are getting tired.”

Ino shut her eyes, held her breath, and stepped through the curtain.  As she stood atop the stairs leading down from the shaman’s hut, she opened her eyes. The crowd below filled her field of view. The capitol village was a sea of Inoka, with the roads and paths of the village submerged by a throng of supporters. There were flags of various colors from every village and tribe – the canopy tribes, the defenders, farmers, teachers, and priests, and the storyweavers too. Spears of the defenders ran down the center of the crowd.  The roar of cheering and song swelled, overtaking Ino’s ears the moment she emerged from the hut. The drums were deafening.

Ino looked down and saw four of her fellow competitors climbing the long set of stairs.  As they reached the top, they each stopped to speak with her. The first competitor took his shield and hung it around her body so it covered her back. “We will be your shield,” he said. The next one held out his spear and said, “We are your arms and your spear.” The next fighter hung a bag on her shoulder, saying, “When you are hungry we will sustain you.” The final competitor placed a necklace fashioned from stones around her neck, “And when you are lonely, we will be your heart.”

After giving their gifts, each competitor stood beside Ino and faced the crowd. Krenek, the warchief, was the next to climb the stairs. When he reached the top, he turned around and raised his spear.  A loud blast of horns silenced the crowd. Krenek lowered his spear, and with a booming voice, announced, “Soldiers! Your emissary has arrived! Show her the way!” In perfect synchronicity, each soldier stepped to the side, turned, and crossed spears to make a covered walkway. A cascade of crossing spears flew threw the crowd along the path out of the village like falling dominoes. Krenek turned to Ino, “Your way is ready Emissary, may the nature’s spirit guide you”.

Ino stepped down the stairs, overwhelmed with the outpouring of respect. As she walked, the path dissolved behind her and filled with dancing and singing revelers. She finally understood why the face of the Emissary looked the way it did as they passed her every year. She understood why their smiles concealed tears.  She understood how someone could take on such a great responsibility all on their own and look so happy. Ino reached the end of the road out of the village and saw her family gathered to see her off. Their eyes said everything, filled with love and admiration. She hugged her mother, father and brother without saying a word.  She took one last look back at her village, where the celebration continued to grow. She opened her hand, still holding the totem, and she looked at it. She carefully placed it in her bag and set off into the forest humming a joyful tune, her entire nation celebrating behind her.

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