Midwinter Gaming Convention 2019 Wrap Up

Midwinter Gaming Convention 2019 Wrap Up

Midwinter Gaming Convention has held a special place in our hearts ever since we launched the Kickstarter for our first title RobotLab from the exhibit hall floor 2 years ago. Back then, we were one of the only board game publishing companies at the show. This year, we were thrilled to find 6 other board game companies in the exhibit…

Protospiel Madison 2018 Recap

Protospiel Madison 2018 Recap

I know we’re late, but here are some of the fun games we played at Protospiel Madison 1) Reject Squad: Super Hero Game “Reject Squad: Super Hero Game” is a 3-5 player, 30 minute, story-telling party game. In this game, one of the players takes on the role of a talent scout who is looking for a team of heroes…