Players: 1-4 (up to 6 w/ MODS Expansion)
Length: 45 Minutes
Style: Programming, Dice Rolling, Push Your Luck
Designers: Rob Huber & Brendan Riley
Art: Tatiana Quigley, Jose Esquivel, Jason Boles
Rules: Draft Rulebook
Roll, Plan, & Smash
A newly minted class of drivers is ready for their first show. Get behind the wheel of one of the iconic trucks in the BIGFOOT® family and show your stuff. The Original Monster Truck – BIGFOOT #1 smashes through cars and trucks, BIGFOOT Racer soars effortlessly over obstacles, Fastrax tears through mud and the sinister Snake Bite® destroys everything it its path. Watch out for hazards and do a donut or five. Roll, Plan, and Smash as the crowd goes wild!
In this competitive programming & press your luck game, roll specialized Monster Tire Dice to earn Action Points, Style Cards & Hazards. Program your Monster Truck’s path of destruction and use bonus cards to enhance your run, while your opponents place hazards to get in your way. Earn Victory Points as you jump, drive, splash, and SMASH your way through the arena!
After the first round, you’ll add new obstacles for an even more smashtastic course. At the end of two rounds, the driver that impressed the crowd the most (aka: earned the most Victory Points) is the winner.
(Note: BIGFOOT®: Roll & Smash is not responsible for any collateral damage caused by excess smashing. Please SMASH responsibility.)
Roll the dice, plan your run, and prepare to SMASH!
Rule the Rally: Pre-Order Now!

The Arena Board
Experience a new environment EVERY GAME!

Built By You
This game starts at setup, you & your friends decide what obstacles go on the board and where they go.
Always Changing
Every Truck’s run can change the arena & halfway through the game, new obstacles come out! 1,000’s of possible combinations gives this game endless replayablility.
Adjustable Difficulty
Since you build the arena, you decide how difficult to make it. Will it be an easy expo show, or all out car stomping mayhem? It’s up to you!
Monster Tire Dice
Approx. 1:25 Scale of Actual Monster Truck Tires

Roll Like Real Tires
Just like their full sized counterparts, these 66mm (1:25 scale) MONSTER Tire Dice are balanced & ready to roll.
Push Your Luck
Points, Style, or Hazards? Roll the tires to find out, but be careful, you only get 3 rolls.
Monster Tough
Made of high quality plastic, these Monster sized dice are easy to roll in the hands of people of all ages.
Smash With Style
CRUSH, FLY, SPIN & DESTROY your way to the top of the leader board.

Add Flair to Your Run
Put your own personal spin on your run with sick tricks, devastating crushes, and wild jumps. When you’re behind the wheel, drive how you like!
Recreate History
Relive historic events in BIGFOOT history, like the first car crush, or create new insane Monster Moments of your own!
Bonus Points
Add extra moves, pull some sick tricks or roll over in a spectacular wreck. All of these can help you earn bonus points on your run